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逛琴行 Touring of Chinese Guitar Store Ep1|潘高峰GAOFUNK VLOG 北京谷估堂“新街口琴行一条街”
逛琴行 Touring of Chinese Guitar Store Ep2|潘高峰GAOFUNK VLOG 北京成功乐器 “听说你家吉他不让试?”
逛琴行 Touring of Chinese Guitar Store Ep5|潘高峰GAOFUNK VLOG木吉他界三强-Martin/Gibson/Taylor精准PK哪家强?探店新街口恒韵琴行
逛琴行 Touring of Chinese Guitar Store Ep3|潘高峰GAOFUNK VLOG “分析家”线灵嘛?撕膜SRV No.1和各种MasterBuilt探店鼓楼成功乐器(下)
逛琴行 Touring of Chinese Guitar Store Ep4|潘高峰GAOFUNK VLOG一口气把浓眉Suhr/Govan/范海伦/黄老板/Nuno弹个够~探店北京M&S吉他
逛琴行 Touring of Chinese Guitar Store Ep6|儿时偶像Steve Vai/Yngwie/Eric Clapton的签名款/李宗盛李吉他都什么味?探店恒韵琴行VLOG
逛琴行 Touring of Chinese Guitar Store Ep8|11 Fender MasterBuilt Guitar Tone Check 潘高峰&大象吉他工作室
逛琴行 Touring of Chinese Guitar Store Ep11|Gibson CC1A greeny/Slash/Casio DG20/Vintage Guitars 潘高峰
逛琴行 Touring of Chinese Guitar Store Ep9|Beijing Roland Store :BOSS单块~报考艺术类学生乐队~潘高峰探店一拍音乐Roland乐器体验店
Gibson断头?深入Gibson!致敬Slash!在恒韵琴行和竞霄聊聊大G那些事!潘高峰GaoFunk Vlog
【逛琴行】离开Fender的制琴大师自立门户的作品香不香?开箱John Cruz Custom Guitars|潘高峰Touring of Chinese Guitar Store 成功乐器(上)